Friday 3rd February marked a milestone for Debbie and Rachel’s Fish and Chip shop as management, staff, family members and customers joined together to celebrate 3 years of success in Gainford.

Debbie and Anne, a happy customer
Debbie provided customers with nibbles, wine, cake and soft drinks and at 7pm made a surprise presentation. A beautiful bouquet and a bottle of Fino sherry was presented to Margaret Nicholson from Eden Crest in Gainford.

Margaret and her husband Paul with the bouquet
Debbie had decided to make the presentation to the first customer who popped in after 7pm and that customer was Margaret, who was equally stunned and delighted!

Debbie and Rachel’s Plaice, Gainford
Margaret and her husband Paul have lived in Gainford for many years, marrying in 2000 although Margaret has lived in the village since 1974.
Sadly in 2015 Margaret was very poorly but has come through a very difficult time and enjoys a treat of fish and chips from Debbie regularly. She loved the flowers and had to phone her husband to come and help her carry them, her wine and her fish and chips home!

The perfect cake for a fish and chip shop celebration!
It was a lovely event. We all look forward to enjoying our fish and chips from Debbie, for the next three years and beyond and the village wishes her well!